Synopsis: This collection of poetry ranges from a seven-poem collection that
takes the reader through a different paradigm on each of the seven deadly
sins, to bright, hopeful romantic poems, and a plethora of poems that fall
somewhere in between the two. They were collected over a period of about
eight years, and inspired by a flurry of different emotions. Aside from the
collection focusing on the seven deadly sins, the rest are largely unrelated
to one another. Some were assignments for creative writing that turned into
pet projects, but most were creative reactions to things that were happening
in my life at the time that they were written.
Main characters: Since this is a collection of largely unrelated poetry, the
main characters change depending on which poem you are reading. It could be
anybody--your sister, or the boy next door; a mythical princess from an
ancient time, or a futuristic trouble-maker. Most importantly, I believe
that when you read the poems you will become the main character, as I was
when I wrote them.
Setting: The poems take place over various time periods in different places.
Some are archaic, alluding to the gods of Greek myth themselves, while
others are embroiled in the tribulations of the unforeseeable future. Some
take place in peaceful paradise-like lands long since lost to us, and some
are modern, very much in the here and now. Many are ambiguous enough to be
universal in nature, which I believe is part of their appeal.
How long have you been writing?: I have always been a writer, I think. Even
as a child, I always had a knack for spinning the most magnificent tales in
my head. Many of them never found their way to paper when I was young, but
once I was old enough to hold myself to a task without getting horribly
distracted, I started writing, and I haven't stopped ever since.
Author's age: I am twenty years old, and it has taken me eight years to
write and organize all the poems for this book. One of my dearest friends to
whom I was dedicating this book died in her sleep this spring, never having
had the opportunity to read it. Every copy of this book that sells will
stand to honor her memory.
Motivation for book: When I was younger, I tended to bottle my emotions and
not vent. It caused me a lot of problems, and I even had to go through anger
management therapy for a time. My therapist, Kendra, suggested that I use my
writing as an outlet when she found out that I wrote. It worked beautifully,
and I decided to publish my collection of poetry as a testament to it. I
also want to use it as a way to encourage other young men and women who have
trouble handling their feelings to find a healthy, creative outlet for it.
Inspiration: My role model, Miss Connie Lynne Holmes, was always encouraging
and inspiring me to live my life to the fullest and to do everything I do to
the best of my ability. I hope that this would have made her proud, even
though she is now with me only in spirit. My friends and family inspire me
on a daily basis. Music also helps a lot. I have a great passion for
enjoying art in all its forms, and I believe that creative excellence begets
creative excellence.
Future plans: I plan to continue my college education so that I may become
an English/Language Arts teacher, and I also plan to continue writing as
often as possible. I have hundreds of ideas, and I would love to see them
take shape in print. I want to lead a productive, successful life that would
have made my Miss Connie proud to call me her friend.
Next book?: Title: Poisoned Apples
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Synopsis: Lauren Frost was dying for a little change, but she had no
idea that what she wished for would change who she was, not to mention her
whole world, forever. Lauren nearly chokes to death on a bite of apple when
she sees her boyfriend kissing her potential step-mother, but fate
intervenes in an unexpected way. There is a world desperately in need of her
help, and she must save it if she wishes to be restored to her former life.
Her journey leads her though encounters she never would have imagined in her
wildest dreams. Who knew that second chances could be so breathtaking?
Word Count: Approximately 4,897, not counting the acknowledgements &
such, so far. I'm nowhere near done with it yet, but I'm working on it as
often as possible.
Where did you grow up: I was born at North Baldwin Hospital in Bay Minette,
Alabama, and I have lived my whole life thus far in a small, tight-knit
community outside the city limits called Pine Grove. There, I am surrounded
by family on almost all sides, and I feel very much at home. It is close
enough both to the beach and to Mobile's metropolitan area that I can enjoy
both without being too much encroached upon by the city in my home.
Where do you live now: Once the fall semester begins, I will be living on
campus at Troy University. It's a gorgeous campus, and I love it already.
What famous authors inspired you: I have very eclectic tastes, and there are
a lot of authors from various genres that inspire me. Dr. Seuss, Charlotte
Bronte, Jane Austen, Diana Wynne Jones (my current favorite), Clive Cussler,
John Grisham, Mary Street, Johann David Wyss, Lewis Carroll, Morgan
Llywelyn, Tom Clancy, Laurell K. Hamilton, Janet Evanovitch, and so many
more. I can hardly name them all.
Why do you write: I think that I would probably lose my mind if I didn't
write. I just have this gigantic imagination, and there's always something
going on in my mind that evolves into epic proportions. If I didn't let it
out, I would be miserable, and I think my mind would short out and go
completely haywire. I also write simply because I love it. There's nothing I
enjoy more than reading and writing.
When did you realize you wanted to be a writer: I've wanted to be a writer
for as long as I can remember. It's something that has always been in me,
driving me and it's just been an irrevocable part of my existence. I've
always been a storyteller. I have always loved capturing peoples'
imaginations. This is a goal I have always wanted to achieve, from my
earliest memories.
Writer's block: I do have writer's block on occasion, and it is usually a
result of being over-tired or emotionally drained. I find that just relaxing
for a while, listening to music, taking a hot bath, or having a good cup of
hot tea helps quite a bit. Going for walks outside to just enjoy nature, or
petting and playing with my pets helps. I have two cats and two dogs, and I
love them all.
Writing schedule: I'm a complete and total night owl. My creativity just
flows better at night. I usually write from about 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. or
somewhere around that time. I'm far more productive at night, but I keep
god-awful hours because of it. It really irks my mother, who is a school
teacher, when I'm up working at what she calls obscene hours of the morning.
I try to write a little bit every day, but some days are just more
productive than others.
How did you feel when finished: I was struck simultaneously with an
overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and relief. It took me a while to
decide that I actually wanted to go ahead and publish this, but I'm really
glad that I made that decision, now. I'm also itching to work on something
new, now. I've got that burning need to create, again.
Day job: I'm going to college on scholarship right now, so that is my job,
according to my parents. They say that having a scholarship is like getting
paid to go to school, so I really have to stay on the ball with that. I may
occasionally pick up a part-time job over the summer, but I am not steadily
employed. I would love it if writing was my day job, but that's not entirely
likely. I'm getting a degree in education, and I want to be an English
teacher, as well as being a writer.
Obstacles to writing: School pretty much eats my whole life. I'm on
scholarship, so I have to make sure that I don't neglect my work, so I can
keep my grades up and keep my scholarship. The volume of work I get at
school really cuts into my writing, sometimes, but I have to keep my
priorities straight so I can continue to go to school. Writing occasionally
has to take a back seat, even though I really dislike it when that happens.
Influence of life experience: After a fashion, yes, but not in the way that
you might expect. My poetry is very emotionally charged, though I do have
one series of poems dedicated specifically to the Seven Deadly Sins. I have
a wide variety of poems, ranging from archaic, dark, and gothic, to modern,
bright, and springy. They were all brought into existence as an emotional
reaction to things that were going on in my life at the time they were
written. Some, however, were requirements for my creative writing class that
turned into pet projects. This would mostly be geared toward
adolescents/teenagers, though anyone in emotional turmoil could identify,
I'm sure.
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